Biennale de Dakar @ Dakar: Jems Koko Bi, Adji Dieye, Roméo Mivekannin, François-Xavier Gbré, Serigne Ibrahima Dieye, Aboudia, Armand Boua

19 May - 21 June 2022 

Biennale of Dakar - The IN

Old Palace of Justice, Cap Manuel, Dakar
Romeo Mivekannin / Adji Dieye

Works by Roméo MIVEKANNIN and Adji DIEYE will be presented at the Ancien Palais de Justice in Cap Manuel, Dakar.

I NDAFFA Forger / Out of the Fire
Create, imagine and invent. It is around this triptych that the official international exhibition of the 14th edition of the Biennale of Contemporary African Art of Dakar will take place. The works of 59 visual artists and artists' groups will be presented on this occasion.

West Corniche, Dakar
Jems KOKO BI, 'Doxantu

It is to reveal all the potential of the western corniche and to participate in cleaning up its spaces that the project 'Doxantu' (walk in Wolof) was initiated within the framework of the Dakar Biennale. Doxantu is a project that invites artists to produce monumental works of art on the axis that goes from the General Directorate of Customs to the door of Mermoz. Doxantu is an ode to Dakar, creative city.

Ivory Coast Pavilion, Museum of Black Civilizations
Aboudia, Armand Boua, François-Xavier Gbré, Jems Koko Bi

On the occasion of the Dakar Biennale, François-Xavier Gbré will present a large fresco for the Ivory Coast Pavilion, within the Museum of Black Civilizations, composed of a photomontage of West African archive images.

Cur. Henri Nkoumo, Jacobleu

Senegal Pavilion, Museum of Black Civilizations
Serigne Ibrahima DIEYE

On the occasion of the Dakar Biennale, Serigne Ibrahima Dieye will present new works for the Senegalese Pavilion in the Museum of Black Civilizations.