Axel Angenor Bamouin Sinzé, of his artist name Bamouin Sinzé, was born in 1995 in Aboisso, in the South-Comoé region of Ivory Coast.


In 2014, he moved to Abidjan to begin his studies of visual arts at INSAAC, during which he refined his artistic and literary universe. Bamouin Sinzé has developed a plastic technique capable of immersing us in the intimacy of his nocturnal wanderings, facing the fragile balance between mirages and realities.


With the support of certain teachers and thanks to models such as the Ivorian artists Ernest Dükü, Pascal Konan, Aboudia or Yéanzi, Bamouin Sinzé has been experimenting since 2016 a painting technique using smoke, a medium whose precariousness makes it, according to him, the most able to access the realm of dreams, the intangible, the hidden side of things.


Exhibitions: Kôguôè, Galerie Cécile Fakhoury - Abidjan (2020) ; Nzissi Lalié, Rêve éveillé, BAO Café, Abidjan (2019)