Pays Mêlé - Empreintes et résilience: Elladj Lincy Deloumeaux

Antenne parisienne du CTIG, 8-10 rue Buffault, Paris 9e 31 May - 14 September 2024 

An exhibition inspired by the work of writer Maryse Condé, honored this year by the Guadeloupe Region.


Artistic director: Christelle Clairville, founder of La Maison Gaston.


Pays Mêlé is the story of a collective and intimate wound: the original crime of enslavement of one people by another. And how this wound has left its mark on the island, its inhabitants and their destinies. An imprint that is part of us forever. But Pays Mêlé is also a story of resilience. A new process is at work, reinventing ourselves, starting again, and transforming the painful imprint into a new legacy to pass on to future generations. Perhaps to enable them to heal?