Transmission(s) @ Union de la jeunesse internationale: Rachel Marsil

4 bd Rochechouart 75018 Paris 8 - 14 July 2023 
4 bd Rochechouart 75018 Paris Du mardi au dimanche 11:00 — 20:00


This exhibition showcases artistic works that use design to shape, question and transcend our personal and collective diasporic narratives, whether real or imagined.

From the outset, design has been associated with emancipation and social transformation. It bridges the gap between different disciplines, between human and industrial aspects, between homo faber and what he creates, becoming the language that shapes man's objects and conveys their message.

In the age of social innovation, design methods go beyond simple industrial production and open up to transdisciplinary projects, broadening the horizons of the applied arts.

As a designer, Willina believes that the way we see and represent the world has an impact on its construction. That's why it's crucial to give voice to other perspectives on design.

The works on display go beyond mere aesthetics and challenge the traditional position of the designer as conceptualist. In the course of this exploration, you'll discover designers who transcend this posture to rub shoulders with that of the weaver, the storyteller or the activist.

Each designer, through his or her practice and media, proposes bold responses, taking a singular approach to questions of identity, legitimacy, migration, origins and belonging.

By bringing these projects together in an emblematic venue such as the Tati in Barbès, Willina aims to create a dialogue between past and present, between different cultures and their heritages. A narrative in which notions of value, belonging and transformation are rethought through off-center Western narratives.

Design, Narratives, Identities.