MUSE DECOUVERTE @ Saint-Dizier, Maubeuge et Barentin: Dalila Dalléas Bouzar

19 September 2022 - 19 September 2024 

Dalila Dalléas Bouzar uses the classic technique of oil paint, which she applies directly to canvas, in her portraits and self-portraits, where the background is rarely painted: all attention is focused on the faces of her models. These are often made up with tribal masks, thus exuding a sense of mystery and spirituality. The representation of the female body is central to her art.

In her work Princesses, for example, the artist depicts women's faces. These faces are directly inspired by the photographic portraits taken by Marc Garanger, when he was in charge of taking a census of women in remote villages during the Algerian war. This work allows us not to forget the fate of these women during this period, and to highlight the respect they deserve. By focusing our attention solely on their faces set against a black background, accompanied by a few pieces of traditional jewelry, but presented all together, the artist shows us that these women are united by their history, and invites us not to forget. A work to be contemplated in our MUSE DECOUVERTE tours, currently available in Saint-Dizier, Maubeuge and Barentin.