Dalila Dalléas Bouzar
Cœur Pur #2, 2021
Broderie Karakou au fil doré sur velour noir réalisée à Chlef en Algérie. Ajouts de fil d’or, de coton, laine, velours, pierres semi-précieuses, perles de culture et médaillon or 18 carats.
Karakou embroidery with golden thread on black velvet made in Chlef in Algeria. Additions of gold thread, cotton, wool, velvet, semi-precious stones, cultured pearls and 18-carat gold medallion.
Karakou embroidery with golden thread on black velvet made in Chlef in Algeria. Additions of gold thread, cotton, wool, velvet, semi-precious stones, cultured pearls and 18-carat gold medallion.
200 x 130 cm
78 3/8 x 51 1/8 in
78 3/8 x 51 1/8 in
Copyright The Artist