Quelque part entre le silence et les parlers: Dalila Dalléas Bouzar / Maison des arts de Malakoff

La Maison des Arts de Malakoff 26 June - 28 November 2021 

Curator : Florian Gaité. With : Louisa Babari, Adel Bentounsi, Walid Bouchouchi, Fatima Chafaa, Dalila Dalléas Bouzar, Mounir Gouri, Fatima Idiri, Sabrina Idiri Chemloul, Amina Menia and Sadek Rahim.


After a year marked by distance, and hampered by the impossibility of travelling, the exhibition Somewhere between silence and speech revives the memory of a trip to Algeria, a country whose voices it seeks to make heard and whose silence it seeks to appreciate. It is an ear stretched out across the Mediterranean, an opportunity to read, listen and share with this country that is as familiar as it is unknown, whose complexity (social, political, historical) is commensurate with the cultural diversity that is expressed there. The history of this plural country is reflected in the abundance of languages spoken there (Berber, Arabic and European), which makes the language question a major artistic issue. Quelque part entre le silence et les parlers thus brings together artists who were born, live or work there, in direct contact with this linguistic knot, and deals with the way in which it so profoundly influences their imaginations. It places at the centre of its project a mosaic territory, here captured through the prism of the words, voices, words and writings that constitute it, whether explicit, tacit or even silent. The body of work intends to highlight the plastic, poetic and political potential of an ambivalent relationship to expression, where generosity in words competes with the restraint of discourse.