À vendre @ Fondation H - Paris : Adji Dieye

28 June - 5 August 2023 

Born in 1991, Adji Dieye is a Senegalese and Italian artist. Adji Dieye lives and works between Dakar in Senegal, Milan in Italy and Zurich in Switzerland. Adji Dieye holds a BA in New Art Technologies from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, Italy, and an MFA from the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHDK, in Zurich, Switzerland. Adji Dieye's work has been shown on several occasions, including at international exhibitions such as the 14th edition of the Dakar Biennale (2022), the 12th edition of the Rencontres de la Photographie Africaine (Bamako,2019); the exhibition Of bread, wine, cars, security andpeace at Kunsthalle Wien (Vienna, 2019); at the Clark House art center (Mumbai, 2019); and at the Lagos Photo Festival (Lagos, 2018).


Adji Dieye is accompanied in the writing of her project at Fondation H by Aby Gaye-Duparc, Franco-Senegalese art historian and artistic project manager at Fondation Cartier.