Roméo Mivekannin presents two groups of original works conceived and produced for the Biennale and the Roger Quilliot Art Museum, exploring the different meanings of the word PLAY.
In the atrium, an installation of fifty-four textile/flag pieces raises the question of the place of African countries within the Olympic Games, as well as that of their athletes or, more broadly, athletes from minority backgrounds.
In the room dedicated to the painted works from the mythical story of Roland Furieux, three of which are currently being restored, Roméo Mivekannin proposes to replace them, breaking into the field of European painting and taking up the act of self-representation with irony and subtlety, replacing certain faces with his own.
Effractions @ Musée d'art Roger-Quilliot (MARQ): Roméo Mivekannin
Past event
Musée d'art Roger-Quilliot (MARQ)