Dakar Biennale 2016

Dakar, Sénégal 3 May - 2 June 2016 

For the 12th edition of Dak’Art Biennale curated by Simon Njami, the artists of the gallery presented various projects throughout the city of Dakar.

In the international exhibition “Reenchantements”, François-Xavier Gbré presents his installation “Wo shi Feizhou / Je suis africain”, which questions the sovereignty of a country facing the predominance of the Other in its spheres of power. Yo-Yo Gonthier exhibits his video “Une éclaircie, le rêve d’une acrobate”, from his collaborative and participatory project “Le nuage qui parlait/The talking cloud”.

With his installation “Privatisation d’un espace par son ciel” presented at SICAP liberté in the frame of Afropixel Festival #5, Cheikh Ndiaye invites us to ponder over our experience with the city and on our way to “create’ a neighborhood.

In the exhibition “Contours”, Jems Robert Koko presents his installation ”Racines” at Place du Souvenir.