1-54 Paris 2022 @ Christie's: Group show

9 Av. Matignon, 75008 Paris 7 - 10 April 2022 
9 Av. Matignon, 75008 Paris Booth 8 https://www.1-54.com/paris/

Cécile Fakhoury Gallery (Abidjan, Dakar, Paris) is pleased to announce its participation to the second edition of the 1-54 Paris fair, where we will present the works of artists such as Ouattara Watts, Carl-Edouard Keïta, Roméo Mivekannin, Dalila Dalléas Bouzar and François-Xavier Gbré.

The gallery has already participated last year to this fair and was able to meet a quality public both local and international, curious to discover the works of the gallery's artists.

The gallery's stand will present works by artists of different generations and complementary techniques, from painting to drawing as well as photography, thus giving a lively overview of artistic creation.